illustration relationship colored pencil bear coffee
illustration relationship bear colored pencil

Pinhole Zine.

I contributed these illustrations to Pinhole Zine Issue 1 that showcases “All the little things that make up the whole.”

Pinhole Coffee in San Francisco is my favorite cafe in the world. Maybe I’m a bit biased as I used to work there, but it tells a lot that it’s still my favorite place after being a customer and an employee for a while. The owner, JoEllen, together with all the staff and customers, co-creates this space to fulfill its intention beautifully:

Stimulating senses w/ Coffee, Art and Community! Pinhole Coffee is a cafe in the "Neighborhood in the Sky" called Bernal Heights (San Francisco). … The term ‘pinhole’ is a reference to pinhole photography. It's a symbolic parallelism of having something small produce something with meaning (pinhole photography: a tiny hole exposed to light producing an image). We like to think that everyone involved in our space is the light source, our cafe is the ‘pinhole’ and the result is the overall experience.

Please visit the cafe and neighborhood when you are in San Francisco. Or, at this tough time for small businesses, please consider visiting its virtual site for merchandises and donations.

If you’d like to buy the originals or work with me to develop an illustration for your story, please contact